Hi, I'm Ashna.

photo of me at Grace Hopper Celebration next to a Mickey Mouse statue!

I enjoy building things for others to enjoy. I'm a computer science systems student @ Stanford. I also teach cs, research conversational nlp, lead an effort to spread cs for social good, and dance!

I want to share some of my projects and experiences with you.

But first, answer this! (To view u a cool non-professional thing i've done in the past).


Internships & Jobs

💸IMC TradingIncoming SWESummer 2024Coming Soon!
👩🏽‍🏫Stanford CSSection Leader for CS 106B (Prog. Abstractions)Since Spring 2023Teach a section, grade assignments, hold LAIR (office hours), debug my dance little's code after practice.
🔬Social & Language Technologies LabUndergrad researcherSince Jan 2023We wondered why ChatGPT doesn't ask followup questions and wrote a paper about it: https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.09144.
✈️Lockheed MartinSoftware Engineer/Full Stack InternSummer 2023Designed a data pipeline to transfer supply chain data 2000x faster thru data segmentation, query chunking, multi-threading, SQL optization, etc. And got to see some helicopters.
🛍️Tata DigitalDeep Analytics/AI InternSummer 2022Built recommendation engine on a graph database to inform customer-facing chatbot with intelligent responses to 'Where's my order???' and provide companies with item return probabilities.
📚GoogleDataset ContractorSpring/Summer 2022Processed physics problem datasets into LaTeX for use in instructional language models.

Currently working on ideas in conversational NLP, generative design, and luxury experiences. Happy New Year!